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Strategy 2.1: Address child and family basic needs and 4 more... less...


EPM 2.1c: # of youth K-8 from underserved populations who participated in summer enrichment programs, quality and engaging out-of-school opportunities that reinforce and enhance academic and social/emotional learning

Education (Internal View)


EPM 2.1c: # of youth K-8 from underserved populations who participated in summer enrichment programs, quality and engaging out-of-school opportunities that reinforce and enhance academic and social/emotional learning

E-PM 2.1c: # of youth K-8 from underserved populations who participated in summer enrichment programs, quality and engaging out-of-school opportunities that reinforce and enhance academic and social/emotional learning

Current Value


FY 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

The dramatic decline from Summer 2019 to Summer 2020 is due to the coronavirus pandemic. The majority of programs canceled in-person summer programming. Those that operated had to reduce capacity to maintain social distancing.


The United Way of Story County funds many summer enrichment programs:

  • All Aboard for Kids - Summer Camps (for youth with autism) & Future Focus (pre-employment for youth with disabilities)
  • ACPC - Summer Enrichment
  • Boy Scouts (incl. summer)
  • Boys & Girls Club - Summer Enrichment at both Ames and Nevada Clubs
  • CampFire - Camp Canwita, Camp Hantessa (Story County youth only)
  • Girl Scouts - Troops (meet over summer)
  • Raising Readers - Summer Reading Buddies (tutoring); formerly known as "Harrison Barnes Reading Academy"
  • The Community Academy - Summer Experience (as of Summer 2024)
  • YSS - Summer Enrichment at various locations (Ames, Collins, Nevada in Summer 2023)

As of Summer 2023, all programs collect and report on "underserved" youth who participate in their programs. For some, this number comes from a self-report of free-or-reduced price eligibility. For others, this number represents the number of camper scholarships provided or children receiving sliding fee scale support. The exception is ACPC, where Ames FRPL-rates are used to estimate the number of underserved youth participants. As such, we believe that the number reported is an underestimation.

Before 2023 - A note about our methodology:

Only some of our partners reported disaggregated data which might help us determine the number of children served from "underserved" or historically marginalized populations. In order to arrive at the reported number, then, we  used known free-and-reduced price lunch figures as a proxy for "underserved" learners. The following agencies reported FRPL numbers: Boys & Girls Club, CampFire, YSS. We also used numbers of camper scholarships for Story County reported by All Aboard for Kids and Girl Scouts. We also used known percentages of families at 200% or less of the federal poverty level (reported on ASSET ABF-2) to extrapolate additional "underserved" children for ACPC (14.69% of clients served in FY2018-19/this % is being used in our formula) and Raising Readers (12.34% of clients served/this % is being used in our formula). * Note: Given our methodology, the data reported here excluded children from Boy Scouts, hence the qualifier ‘more than’ on our baseline number.*

Effective FY20-21, data from Boys & Girls Club Nevada (FRPL #s) and Boy Scouts (camp scholarships and membership-fee scholarships) is included.

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