(2018) Number of emergency department visits resulting from traumatic brain injury in Connecticut. (HCT2020)
Current Value
Update to TBI Indicator for ED visits that includes a transition to the new ICD10 diagnosis codes in 2015.
Story Behind the Curve
The diagnostic coding system for emergency department and hospitalization reporting was changed on October 1, 2015 creating a difference in how TBI events are counted. It is no longer appropriate to compare data collected before 2015 to data collected after 2015. What is also important for the public to know is that reporting data related to the causes of TBI has declined with implementation of this new, and highly expansive diagnostic framework to only 32% of reported cases. Therefore, understanding how TBI is occurring and where TBI interventions are effective, cannot currently be assessed by using this data.
Past data showed considerable numbers of TBIs resulted either from sports-related injuries or from falls among the elderly. What we understand about current TBI data is the appearance of relative stability and possibly trending in a slow decline. The Healthy CT 2020 objective was to reduce the numbers of TBI-related ED visits by 10%. The Healthy Connecticut 2025 objectives have not yet been set.
Last Update June, 2020
Potential Partners
Connecticut Department of Public Health; Connecticut Department of Social Services; Connecticut Department of
Children and Families; State Department of Education; Connecticut Department of Veterans' Affairs; Commission
on Children; Office of the Child Advocate; health care providers including emergency medical services, hospitals,
nurses, emergency physicians, long-term care facilities, and rehabilitation facilities; traumatic brain injury service
providers; health professional associations; other organizations and coalitions that address brain injury; and
others. See additional partners under other injuries that are the leading causes of traumatic brain injury (motor
vehicle crashes, falls, homicide, suicide, sports injury).
What Works
1) Guidelines for the Pre-hospital Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, 2nd Edition
2) Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, 3rd Edition
3) Guidelines for the Acute Medical Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Infants, Children, and Adolescents, Second Edition
Potential Strategies
Educate children, the public, and providers about leading causes of and prevention measures for TBI
Educate the public and providers about the effects of TBI including the long term effects associated with head injury.
Educate the public and providers that concussions are brain injuries and the signs, symptoms and the appropriate treatment for concussions.
Develop and distribute standardized protocol for post-concussion management.
Expand partnerships with community agencies serving underserved populations and persons with or at risk of TBI, especially youths, older adults, and veterans.