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E-Ind. 3.1: % of Story County students that graduate from high school

% of Story County students from underserved populations that graduate from high school

Current Value


SY 2023


Line Bar Comparison

Story Behind the Curve

Historically, Story County is known for high graduation rates (ex/the overall graduation rate in Story County in 2019 was 96.8%, well above the state average of 91.6%). However, when this is disaggregated by subgroups, disproportionalities are revealed. Students with disabilities (with IEPs), students from families with limited incomes (who qualify for free-or-reduced price lunch), students who are English Language Learners (ELLs), African American/Black students, Hispanic/Latinx students, Native American students, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Bi/Multi-Racial students ("Two or more races"), migrant learners, homeless learners, and students in foster care all are less likely to graduate from high school than their white and Asian American peers without the other identities noted here. As such, this calculation is of the graduation rates of these "underserved" learners. It excludes those learners classified simply as "white" or "Asian" on the IDOE report. This is an imperfect methodology given that, for example, "Asian" is a very broad descriptor for a diverse population of individuals (ex/ Afghan, Chinese, Korean, Indian, Pakistani, Vietnamese, etc.)

Please note: SY18-19 refers to Class 2019 data; SY19-20 refers to Class 2020 data, etc.



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