Physical Health: % of Public School Students [in Grades 9 - 12] Reporting Physical Activity for 60 Minutes in Last 7 Days
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
What Works
Data Discussion
Unless otherwise specified, any missing data is either because there are no individuals who identify with the race/ethnicity or the data is suppressed to protect privacy. The race/ethnicity groups included in the indicator are as written in the original data source. This indicator is calculated by using the inverse of the data reported for the following question on the YRBS: Percentage of students who did not participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity on at least 1 day (doing any kind of physical activity that increased their heart rate and made them breathe hard some of the time during the 7 days before the survey). Survey is conducted every 2 years. Due to COVID-19, the survey was not administered in 2020.
Research Agenda
Data Source