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Every child in Navarro County experiences physical and emotional safety and is connected to their caregiver and local resources.

Indicator 2.4: # of preschoolers under stress

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

What are the positive factors that are contributing to you reaching your desired result?

  • Educational attainment: high levels in the community
  • Local resources for families in need: Voice, United Way, Salvation Army, Compassion Corsicana
  • Job opportunities: specifically in the industrial field

What are the negative factors that are restricting you from reaching your desired result?

  • Communication barriers: Spanish speaking families looking for resources and jobs
  • Lack of public transportation: Rural areas hard to reach
  • Lack of job opportunities: COVID-19 has exasperated already bad job market 
  • Limited affordable housing

What populations are the most disadvantaged and what causes these disparities?

  • Undocumented residents: language barriers
  • Single parent families: lack of childcare (affordable, hours), single income 
  • Teen parents:  lack of education, lack of support, lack of income, cycle hard to break out of
  • Grandparents raising grandchildren: unable to save for retirement, no support from CPS/Food Stamps, health issues cause lack of activity
  • Single Dads: fewer resources than for moms
  • GED/HS Dropouts:  hard to find adequate jobs
  • Individuals with prior incarcerations: hard to find adequate jobs/housing/assistance/transportation
  • Disabled Persons and Families with Children with Disabilities: hard to find adequate jobs/housing/assistance/transportation

Are there foreseeable factors that will affect your work over the next few months to a year?

  • Covid-19: Loss of income
  • Unemployment: Loss of employment due to shutdown
  • Mental health: Loss of connection and mental health, face to face interaction with people limited
  • Home school / school: Loss of childcare and strain on returning to work
  • Changes in economy: Continued recession and uncertainty 

What additional research is needed to better understand the factors that influence the slope of the curve and related disparities? 

  • How can more public transit be implemented?
  • Would it be possible to utilize a non-profit to assist with purchase of transportation / repair / provide fuel, etc.?
  • Are there other agency models for assiting families with repairs, fuel costs, etc. to boost transporation options for residents?
  • How will COVID-19 effect rates of poverty long-term in our community?


Who are the partners who can help you reach your desired outcome? List partners and their roles.

  • Community Resources: Voice, United Way, Salvation Army, Compassion Corsicana 
  • City and State officials
  • Local Businesses
  • Chamber of Commerce 
  • Schools
  • The Navarro County Early Childhood Coalition

What Works

Research/Evidence-Based Practices:

  • Roundtable: Mentorship program for families in poverty who walk alongside families to self-sufficiency. 
  •  Universal basic income, i.e. stimulus checks.
  •  Increasing funding for public assistance programs including SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, etc. 

Low Cost/No Cost Solutions:

  • Providing Information on Resources already Available, partnering with schools and via social media. For example: COVID-19 Local Crisis Resource Guidebook.
  •  Job training programs: targeted to families and held at schools
  •  Help Me Grow: Centralized access point for families to call similar to 211 but with help on issues related to children. Can include helping to sign up for public assistance for children. 

Innovative/Out-the-Box Solutions: 

  • Roundtable: Mentorship program for families in poverty who walk alongside families to self-sufficiency. 
  •  Providing free services for families: free lunch and breakfasts at school, free uniforms, free diapers, etc. 
  •  Expanding scholarships to local community college to help families go back to school and advance their careers and earning potential
  • Support groups for single parents who have kids under the age of 6.
  • Fun activities for single parents and their children: art classes, dance classes, karate, etc. 
  • An audio or video version of parenting classes for parents to listen to at their leisure. It could be a podcast?

Additional Research:

  •  How will levels of poverty be effected by COVID-19?
  •  Will non-profits keep their levels of funding through pandemic or will their funding decrease to meet greater needs in the community?
  •  What local solutions exist for helping families out of poverty that are not related to things like SNAP, Medicaid, etc.?


What Strategy By Whom (Partners) By When
Resource Guidebooks: COVID-19 resources and crisis resources in one place for community ECC January 2021
Roundtable: Mentoring for young families to lead them to self-sufficiency ECC TBD
Advocating for more free services for families such as free lunch and breakfast, free uniforms, free diapers, etc. Healthcare, ECC, Local leaders Summer 2021


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