% change in public transit ridership year over year
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Following the Covid-19 pandemic, during which public transit ridership dropped severely for the last quarter of SFY 2020 and all of SFY 2021, there has been a steady increase in ridership volumes that is beginning to return to pre-pandemic numbers.
Primarily, routes that are oriented towards essential services and shopping have recovered the strongest. Commuter oriented services - which suffered the steepest losses of over 80% of ridership - have also recovered, but are still feeling the lasting impacts of the pandemic.
Notes on Methodology
Ridership data is routinely reported by the regional transit providers to AOT and prepared for a yearly report in November. Values for SFY 2023 are calculated from the same source. SFY 2023 values included counting vanpool mode data which were not counted until 2022. Values for SFY 2024 are not yet ready.