Story Behind the Curve
The indicator showed an increase in 2021. However, DPS is aware this may be due to disruptions in reporting due to COVID rather than direct changes in crime rate. Additionally, DPS began an initiative during late 2015 to work with law enforcement agencies to improve the quality of data being collected. We expect that there may be a rise in the violent crime data submitted to the state over time which may be indicative of better reporting (as opposed to increases in criminal activity). Prior data updated to reflect information provided through the FBI Crime in the United States Report.
Benchmark Information for Northern New England (NNE) States:
NH: 1.22
Maine: 1.13
VT: 1.84
NNE Average: 1.40
US Average: Not Available
Notes on Methodology
Pending release of 2022 data by the FBI as of 8/25/2023