Percentage of women breastfeeding after 1 month of birth
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Breastfeeding for young infants has been proven to improve health outcomes for children, as breastfeeding has many short-term and long-term benefits for both mother and child.
WIC Program
What Works
Baltimore County’s Bureau of Clinical Services made a goal to increase the proportion of postpartum women enrolled in WIC who initiate breastfeeding their baby by 3% in 2022. Strategies for increasing the rate of breastfeeding include:
- Training all WIC staff regarding breastfeeding
- Offering prenatal & infant nutrition education sessions on breastfeeding to WIC participants at all sites
- Using breastfeeding peer counselors to provide knowledge and support both in person and through phone contacts to pregnant women contemplating breastfeeding
- Collaborating with community partners to promote breastfeeding knowledge and support in the community and via media
- Ensuring breastfeeding materials are available in languages other than English
- Offering breastfeeding support groups to women who initiate breastfeeding
- Developing community partner contact list