Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Quality: Number of recorded safety deficiencies per licensed skilled nursing facility bed
Current Value
About the Indicator
Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) are a type of long-term care facility that provide 24-hour care for individuals whose care needs cannot be met at home or in a residential care setting. SNFs are regulated by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Licensing and Certification Program, which ensures compliance with state licensing laws and federal certification regulations as the state survey agency for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Long-Term Care Ombudsman helps residents of long-term care facilities with issues related to day-to-day care, health, safety, and personal preferences. The Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) regulates the construction and design of health care facilities, including SNFs, and provides data about the facilities and their utilization.
This indicator measures the number of SNFs in California, a measure of nursing home capacity. Without intervention to reduce the need for 24-hour skilled nursing and improve access to home and community-based care, the increasing numbers of older adults and adults with disabilities in California will require increased nursing home capacity. Check out the Health Reimagined Goal Page to explore dynamic visualizations and view more detailed data related to this topic.
About the Data
To learn more about our data sources and methodologies, please see the Data Dashboard for Aging - About the Data Technical Guide.
- Care Options: Skilled Nursing Facilities (CDA)
- Long-Term Care Ombudsman
- Licensing and Certification Program (CDPH)
- California Health Facility Information Database (Cal Health Find) (CDPH)
- California Health Facilities: Most Common Violations (CDPH)
- Nursing Home Residents’ Rights (CDPH)
- Long-Term Care Facility Financial Data (HCAI)
- Long-Term Care Facility Utilization Data (HCAI)
- Care Compare (CMS)