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All people in Johnston County have access to comprehensive, high quality, and affordable healthcare by clinicians that identify with people they serve. and 1 more... less...

All Johnston County residents have equitable access to high quality, personal health services.

Ratio of Johnston county population to primary care physicians

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

Primary care and specialty care providers are aging out, no longer taking new patients. Also lack of medical services in the county

What Works

  • Expanding Saftey Net

  • Expand health care providers network

  • Support pipeline programs in rural areas to encourage high school and college students to pursue careers in medicine

  • Identify rural provider champions and increase support for physicians in ongoing practice

  • Increase residency positions in rural areas

  • Invest in rural economies

  • Increase telehealth primary care initiatives in rural areas

  • Increase access and payment for specialist consults

  • Support increased funding for provider loan repayment programs that incentivize primary care providers to practice in medically underserved areas


  • ​​​​​​Increasing medical provider (MD,DO,PA,NP) recruitment will allow Johnston Health to increase availability and access to primary care and speciality care for all residents 
  • Increase number of precepting physicians and number of students rotation availabilty per discipline
  • Increase safety net participation to ensure that evidence based care is planned, delivered and promoted amongst health care providers accepting uniusured and low-income residents for precentive, acute, and chornis acre and referal to Dept. of Social Services if uninsured
  • Expand the health care provider network by offering internships, mentoring, and volunteer opportunities to local students and working with local practices and agencies. 
  • Expand rural training tracks and programs in meidcal education-scientifically supported ???


Partners that have a role to play are:

  • UNC Network Recruitment
  • Rex/UNC Healthcare
  • UNC Physicians Network
  • Residential Programs
  • Campbell University School of Ostempathic Medicine
  • Physicals in speciality fields
  • Community - loacl champion for access to care
  • Volunteer Preceptors/mentors
  • Local students
  • Johnston County Health Department

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