Community-level trauma-informed/ACEs education initiative
Estimate of members who participate in the ACES Collaborative group (Haywood Connect)
Current Value
Story Behind the Measure
The "Story Behind the Measure" helps us understand the causes and forces at that work that explain the data behind the 'estimate of members who participate in the ACEs collaborative group.' Organizations participating in the collaborative and working on related projects devote staff time. As needed and able, organizations may contribute resources, including meeting space for the collaborative.
What's Helping What We Do? These are the positive forces at work in our Trauma-Informed and ACEs Education Initiative that influence how much we do or how well we do it.
- Buy-in for preventing and addressing trauma
What's Hurting What We Do? These are the negative forces at work in our Trauma-Informed and ACEs Education Initiative that influence how much we do or how well we do it.
- Competing priorities impact attending meetings
- Limited awareness of the group's existence