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Children enter kindergarten ready to succeed in school (Note: Please track different assessment tools used separately) -

1.a % of children in kindergarten who demonstrate at the beginning of the program or school year age-appropriate functioning across multiple domains of early learning as determined using developmentally-appropriate early learning measures - GPRA Data and Narrative Entry

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GPRA Definition

GPRA 1. Number and percent of children in kindergarten who demonstrate at the beginning of the program or school year age-appropriate functioning across multiple domains of early learning as determined using developmentally-appropriate early learning measures.

Definition. Early childhood providers may use a wide variety of valid assessment tools to assess the five dimensions of early learning development and skills identified by the National Education Goals Panel (i.e., language and literacy development, cognition and general knowledge, approaches toward learning, physical well-being and motor development including adaptive skills, and social and emotional development). Promise Neighborhoods should work with their early childhood partners to ensure they are using either the school readiness assessment recognized by their state or local school district, or they are using a nationally recognized assessment tool or set of tools for their program that measures age-appropriate functioning across the multiple domains. Partners should implement those assessments at the beginning of the programmatic or school year.

% of children in kindergarten who demonstrate at the beginning of the program or school year age-appropriate functioning across multiple domains of early learning as determined using developmentally-appropriate early learning measures



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