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Students are proficient in core academic subjects

2.2 % of students at or above grade level according to State English language arts assessments (3rd through 8th grades and once in high school) - GPRA Data and Narrative Entry

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GPRA Definition

GPRA 2.2 Number and percentage of students at or above grade level according to State English language arts assessments in at least the grades required by the ESEA.

Definition. This GPRA indicator measures the number and share of students who test proficient or advanced (or comparable categories for each site’s state assessments) for the English language arts assessments for students in grades 3 through 8 and once in high school. Promise Neighborhoods should rely on the high school grade identified by their school district.

% of students at or above grade level according to State English language arts assessments (3rd through 8th grades and once in high school)

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