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The number of cancer deaths per 100,000

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Story Behind the Curve

After heart disease, cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the United States. One of every four deaths in the United States is due to cancer. According to the CDC from 2016-2020 in the United States 149 people died of cancer for every 100,000. 

What Works

Kowing the risk factors for cancer may help prevention. Programs and campaigns to help people understand their risk of cancer and the importance of screening to help detect (or prevent) cancer at an early stage will prevent more deaths. Some campaigns include:

Source:'s%20second,choices%2C%20screening%2C%20and%20vaccinations.&text=people%20diagnosed%20with%20cancer%20each%20year. Last accessed 5 August 2022


The following are considered risk factors for cancer and cancer deaths:

  • Tobacco use: ACS estimates that 30 percent of all cancer deaths are caused by tobacco use. (American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2021. Atlanta, GA. 2021.)
  • Bodyweight, Diet, and Physical Activity: According to the CDC, overweight and obesity are associated with 13 types of cancer, which make up approximately 40 percent of all diagnosed cancers. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Obesity and Cancer. [Online] Last reviewed February 18, 2021. Accessed at on July 1, 2021.
  • Infection with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Other Infectious Diseases: HPV is the single greatest risk factor for cervical cancer.
  • Sun Exposure: Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or other sources, such as tanning beds, is the greatest risk factor for developing skin cancer. The US Department of Health and Human Services and the International Agency of Research on Cancer have found that exposure to sun lamps or sunbeds is classified as a known human carcinogen, the same classification as tobacco.
  • Healthcare Coverage: Uninsured and underinsured patients are substantially more likely to be diagnosed with cancer at a later stage, when treatment can be more extensive and costly. 
  • Screening: Early diagnosis through regular screening examinations saves lives by identifying cancers when they are most curable and treatment is more successful. Cancers that can be detected by screening include breast, cervix, colon, lung, oral cavity, prostate, rectum, skin, and testicular cancers.


Source: Last accessed 5 August 2022

Corrective Action


Indiana State Cancer Registry

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