Availability of Services and Supports: Number of Aging & Disability Resource Connections (ADRCs)
About the Indicator
The Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) program serves older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers with information and access to available long-term services and supports (LTSS) at the local level. ADRCs assist individuals in navigating the complex system of LTSS by providing enhanced information and referral services, options counseling, short-term service coordination, and support for individuals transitioning from an institutional setting to a home or community-based environment. Each ADRC is a partnership between local Independent Living Centers, Area Agencies on Aging, and other community partners.
This indicator measures the availability of designated and emerging ADRCs in California’s 58 counties. “Designated ADRCs” are established and actively providing services. “Emerging ADRCs” are in development.
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About the Data
This indicator is currently under construction - to learn more about our data sources and methodologies, please see the Data Dashboard for Aging - About the Data Technical Guide.