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Medication for Substance Use Disorder (MAT)

% Retention of participants in program (Headline Measure)

Current Value


HY1 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Measure

The "Story Behind the Measure" helps us understand the causes and forces at work that explain the data behind retention of participants in the MAT program.

What's Helping What We Do? These are the positive forces at work in our strategy/ program that influence how much we do or how well we do it.

  • Accessibility and location of program
  • No stigma involved
  • Dedicated staff
  • ​Financial Assistance secured through grants

What's Hurting What We Do? These are the negative forces at work in our strategy/program that influence how much we do or how well we do it.

  • ​Lack of capacity (Providers able to treat & clinical space to treat them in)
  • Community push back on assisting people with Opioid Use Disorder
  • Lack of support 

What Works to Do Better?

The following actions have been identified by Madison Substance Awareness Coalition (MSAC) as ideas for what can work for this performance measure to make a difference on substance use disorder treatment.

Actions and Approaches Identified by Madison Substance Awareness Coalition: These are actions and approaches that we think can make a difference for this performance measure.

  • Low barrier care
  • Whole Person Care
  • MOUD provided in a harm reduction model 

No-cost and Low-Cost Ideas Identified by Madison Substance Awareness Coalition: These are no-cost and low-cost actions and approaches that we think can make a difference for this performance measure.

  • ​The ability to provide excellent patient care
  • Our ability to meet the patient where they are
  • Partnering with existing community partners (via referrals etc.) to address social determinates of health or other needs for our patients

What your communities served/customers think would work to do better These are actions and approaches that our communities served/customers think can make a difference for this performance measure.

  • Ongoing and continuous financial support so uninsured, low-income patients can stay engaged in treatment. 
  • Increase our clinical capacity to serve the loved ones of our patients who we are currently unable to treat. 

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy