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Strategy A: Family & Friends Caregiving Support

Family & Friend Caregivers: Percent of adults age 18 or older who self-identified as having provided care within the prior 12 months to a family member or friend with a serious or chronic illness or disability

Current Value





About the Indicator

Family and friend caregivers have a major impact on the health and well-being of older adults and people with disabilities. An older adult turning 65 today has been estimated to have a 70 percent chance of requiring long-term care in their remaining years. As older Americans develop more chronic health conditions and their functional abilities decline, they must depend on others to help them continue to live independently, whether they are paid caregivers, family caregivers, or both.

This indicator provides data on caregivers who are 18 years of age or older. Data for two categories are included 1) “Caregiver,” meaning provided care to a family member/friend with an illness/disability; 2) “Not caregiver,” meaning did not provide care to a family member/friend with an illness/disability.

Check out the Caregiving that Works Goal Page to explore dynamic visualizations and view more detailed data related to this topic. In addition, check out the Health Reimagined Goal Page to explore dynamic visualizations and view more detailed data related to the routine and personal care needs of older adults and people with disabilities.

About the Data

To learn more about our data sources and methodologies, please see the Data Dashboard for Aging - About the Data Technical Guide.

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