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Strategy A: Family & Friends Caregiving Support

Consequences of Caregiving: Percent of adults age 18 or older who provided care within the past 12 months to a family member or friend with a serious or chronic illness or disability and received paid family leave due to caregiving.

Current Value





About the Indicator

Family and friend caregivers have a major impact on the health and well-being of older adults and people with disabilities. This caregiving can also have consequences for the caregiver. According to 2020 California Health Interview Survey data, a sizable proportion of family and friend caregivers in California are struggling financially, experiencing physical or mental health problems, and receiving little if any financial support for their caregiving responsibilities. Nearly half of caregivers (44.4%) report experiencing some level of financial stress due to caregiving. About 1 in 7 caregivers (13.5%) report a physical or mental health problem within the past 12 months due to caregiving. Information about the extent and variation of consequences of caregiving among family and friend caregivers can help inform policy decisions about caregiver support programs and resources, which may in turn improve outcomes for older adults and people with disabilities.

This indicator provides data on the consequences of caregiving among family and friend caregivers: Adults age 18 or older who provided care within the past 12 months to a family member or friend with a serious or chronic illness or disability. The consequences include “experienced financial stress”, “suffered a physical/mental health problem”, “had a change in job status”, “experienced one consequence of caregiving”, “experienced two consequences of caregiving”, and “experienced three consequences of caregiving.”

Check out the Caregiving that Works Goal Page to explore dynamic visualizations and view more detailed data related to this topic. In addition, check out the Health Reimagined Goal Page to explore dynamic visualizations and view more detailed data related to the routine and personal care needs of older adults and people with disabilities

About the Data

To learn more about our data sources and methodologies, please see the Data Dashboard for Aging - About the Data Technical Guide.

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