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NC MedAssist

Number of Patients Served

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

NC MedAssist provides a large number of our uninsured population with access to prescription medications that would otherwise be inaccessible for them due to low income or no insurance coverage. The medications provided are vitally important to the management of many chronic conditions, as well as acute illnesses needing antibiotics. In 2022, staff turnover did occur.

Whats helping:

  • Easy initiation of program for patients with our in-house PAP program coordinator
  • Increased immigration rates to US leading to increase in uninsured patient population
  • Medical inflation causing some to forfeit current insurance plans and become uninsured
  • Providers awareness of programs and referral process

Whats hurting:

  • Lack of community awareness
  • Some providers are still unaware of program
  • Patients unaware of importance of managing chronic conditions or believe there are no resources for them to receive adequate care


A large number of uninsured citizens and the population that must prioritize daily needs over needed medications.


NC MedAssist

Duplin County DSS

NC Fields

ECU Health Duplin

Local pharmacies

What Works

The ability for the populations described above to be able to obtain needed medications at no cost.

  • Further community outreach to make more patients aware of program and the benefits of using it
  • Remind providers of program upon reviewing medication lists at visits
  • Increased media advertisement

Action Plan

  • Increase community awareness of the NC MedAssist Program through the Duplin County Health Department
  • Work with community partners to inform uninsured populations of the program, and refer those populations to the program as needed.
  • More advertisement to patient population through Facebook, word of mouth, tag announcement onto end of virtual patient surveys, written form (ex. flyers) to be given during visits
  • Reminding providers to utilize program and encouraging them to frequently review the list of offered medications

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