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Percent of youth graduating from high school on time

Current Value





Measure Definition

This measure represents the annual percent of Utah high school students who graduate with a regular high school diploma within 4 years of starting ninth grade. Graduation rates are reported by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). These are compared with the national average.

Results for this measure are updated annually, upon USBE's publication of High School graduation rates around December.

National average is at:,87%20percent%20in%202021%E2%80%9322.&text=Over%20this%20period%2C%20the%20U.S.,%2C%20except%20in%202020%E2%80%9321.

Story Behind the Curve

The connection between education and health is well-documented. Going to school past high school is associated with better jobs, more money, a better understanding of health issues, and fewer chronic conditions. People who only complete high school or do not finish high school are at a greater risk of harmful health outcomes such as obesity, heart disease, lung disease, mental health problems, and premature death. Additionally, students who dropout of high school are more likely to be incarcerated. Although this is a broad population measure provided annually by the Utah State Board of Education, there is significant interface between education and the Juvenile Justice System, making it important to consider outcomes in education when considering at the health of Utah's youth as a whole.

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