Safe children, strengthened families, supported workforce throughout all of Utah
Percent of children confirmed as victims of abuse or neglect who experienced repeat maltreatment within 12 months
Current Value
Measure Definition
This measure represents the percent of child victims with one or more supported allegation on a CPS case that was closed during the quarter, who were the supported victim on a subsequent CPS case within 12 months of case closure (12 months between the first case end date and the next case start date). Each quarter measures a 12 month look back to reflectd the year of the original case closure.
DCFS moved to internally-observed quarterly reports for this measure around September 2023. DCFS made this decision to improve consistent and contemporary understanding of the measure and how various initiatives may impact it. Previously data was pulled annually in February from the federal Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSR) data indicators using round 4 formulas. The federal data came from information provided every year to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS). The NCANDS reporting period runs from October 1 to September 20 (over a 12-month period) and is sent in every year.
Story Behind the Curve
DCFS has seen a reduction in repeat maltreatment, however, the last quarter has moved the trend upward. Overall, this indicates that the interventions provided appear to have been effective for the majority of families and caregivers are able to keep their children safe following case closure. The Division is monitoring the current upward trend.