DHHS employee retention rate
Current Value
Retention is the inverse of the turnover rate. This measure uses methodology developed by DHRM for "core" employees (schedules B, AD, AR, AS, AT, AW, and AX). Turnover is the 12-month sum of counts of individuals (not FTEs) with terminations from state government plus counts of individuals (not FTEs) who change departments in state government - divided by - the average counts of active "core" individuals (not FTEs) for 12 months.
Individuals who are promoted within DHHS or change positions between organizational units are counted as turnover. The turnover rate is subtracted from 100 percent to provide the employee retention rate.
Measure Definition
Employee retention is calculated for "core" employees, which include those in schedules B, AD, AR, AS, AT, AW, and AX. The rate is the inverse of the turnover rate. Turnover is defined as the distinct count of core employees that leave the agency in the previous 12 months, whether for another agency or termination from employment with the state of Utah altogether - divided by the average count of core employees during the previous 12 months. Source: Division of Human Resource Management (DHRM) quarterly OHI report.
Story Behind the Curve
The merger of the former Department of Health and Department of Human Services became official on July 1, 2022. As turnover was previously measured for each department separately, this measure establishes a baseline beginning with the quarter ending September 30, 2022.