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Youth graduate from high school

4. Youth graduate from high school (Four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate) - GPRA Data and Narrative Entry

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GPRA Definition

GPRA 4. Graduation rate (four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate ).

As of 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (24 CFR 200.19(b)(1)) requires all states to calculate a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for all public high schools in the State. The adjusted cohort graduation rate is recognized as an accurate and uniform way to compare graduation rates across all states.

Definition. Each State must calculate a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate for all public high schools in the State. The four-year adjusted cohort rate is defined in 34 CFR 200.19 (b)(1) as:

“The number of students who graduate in four years with a regular high school diploma divided by the number of students who form the adjusted cohort for that graduating class. For those high schools that start after grade 9, the cohort must be calculated based on the earliest high school grade. The term ‘‘adjusted cohort’’ means the students who enter grade 9 (or the earliest high school grade) and any students who transfer into the cohort in grades 9 through 12 minus any students removed from the cohort. The term ‘‘students who transfer into the cohort’’ means the students who enroll after the beginning of the entering cohort’s first year in high school, up to and including in grade 12. To remove a student from the cohort, a school or LEA must confirm in writing that the student transferred out, emigrated to another country, or is deceased."

“To confirm that a student transferred out, the school or LEA must have official written documentation that the student enrolled in another school or in an educational program that culminates in the award of a regular high school diploma. A student who is retained in-grade, enrolls in a General Educational Development (GED) program, or leaves school for any other reason may not be counted as having transferred out for the purpose of calculating graduation rate and must remain in the adjusted cohort. The term ‘‘students who graduate in four years’’ means students who earn a regular high school diploma at the conclusion of their fourth year, before the conclusion of their fourth year, or during a summer session immediately following their fourth year. The term ‘‘regular high school diploma’’ means the standard high school diploma that is awarded to students in the State and that is fully aligned with the State’s academic content standards or a higher diploma and does not include a GED credential, certificate of attendance, or any alternative award."

“In addition to calculating a four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate, a State may propose to the Secretary for approval an ‘‘extended-year adjusted cohort graduation rate.’’ An extended-year adjusted cohort graduation rate is defined as the number of students who graduate in four years or more with a regular high school diploma divided by the number of students who form the adjusted cohort for the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate, provided that the adjustments account for any students who transfer into the cohort by the end of the year of graduation being considered minus the number of students who transfer out, emigrate to another country, or are deceased by the end of that year.”

Local Definition. Four year adjusted cohort graduation rate calculated as # of students who graduated in four years divided by total # of students in the adjusted cohort for the graduating class.

Data Profile

Thurgood Marshall High School graduation data from Dayton Public Schools


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Solutions and Cradle to Career Pipeline Location

Student Success Navigators -  Student navigators prepare individualized plans for enrolled Hope Zone participants that identify needs, existing services in place, family dynamics, and educational outcome aims. Student Success Navigators connect participants to resources and services in the community and serve as the point-of-contact for participants or their families when barriers are impeding access to services. Each Student Success Navigator carries a caseload of 60 children/youth.

Family Resource Coordinators -  Omega CDC employs Family Resource Coordinator at Fairview Elementary, EJ Brown Middle, and Thurgood Marshall High to build relationships with people within and outside the school to engage faculty, staff, students, and families serving as a liaison for neighborhood residents, associations, nonprofits, businesses, religious organizations, and other potential partners.

Scholar University - Omega CDC initiated Scholar University in 2022 as an opportunity to close our cradle-to-career continuum after providing expanded learning in K-6 from 2017-2021 and scaling to grades 7th-8th in the 2021-2022 year. In academic year 2022-2023, Scholar University began serving transitioning 9th grade scholars with the intention to scale and close the pipeline through grade 12 to college and career during the Hope Zone project. Scholar University focuses on high school transition programs by employing career pathway programs to assess the interests and aptitudes of students in the middle grades. The program then creates coursework and program infrastructures that allow students to seamlessly progress through their academic work starting in high school and continuing to and through credential and degree completion.

Ready 4 Work -  Omega CDC utilizes the JIST curriculum in partnership with the Montgomery County Business Services - Workforce Division to assist participants in navigating employment barriers by teaching them how to prepare a resume and participate in an interview.

Career Adventures Camp - Out-of-school and afterschool enrichment, the Library offers a safe destination to explore career pathways and develop skills; access to skilled librarians, accessible meeting space, technology and internet to mitigate the digital divide at the Northwest Branch Library.

Sinclair Trio Upward Bound - Employs best practices to provide intensive, individualized advising, connect students to resources, and implements equitable curriculum, programming, and interactions to ensure student success

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