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All people in North Carolina have equitable and adaptive/adaptable access to physical activity opportunities across the lifespan. and 22 more... less...


All people in Chatham lead active, healthy lives.

State level HNC indicator measures

All people in Greene County have affordable equitable access to culturally appropriate nutrient dense foods, exercise opportunities, community support, and supporting education.

All people in Hertford county have a healthy physical and mental lifestyle

All people in Burke County have equitable access to fresh fruit and vegetables

All people in Alexander County have equitable access to physical activity opportunities and affordable, nutritious food across the lifespan.

Mikayla's Second Result

All Beaufort County residents live in a community in which supports healthy lifestyles and healthy eating

Individuals and families in Wilson County have equitable access to opportunities that support healthy lifestyles and prevent obesity.

All people in Yancey County have access to opportunities that support physical, emotional, and social well-being across the lifespan

All people in Robeson County have access to healthy foods and exercise opportunities.

Everyone in Person County has the resources needed to maintain a healthy weight.

Promote healthy eating and active living

All people in Rockingham County have access to healthy food options and physical activity opportunities which lead to more years lived disease free.

Promote access to equitable and safe spaces that support active and healthy living throughout Cleveland County.

All people in Catawba County can access safe spaces to be active and engage with their community.

All people in Rockingham County have access to healthful food options and physical activity opportunities, which lead to more years lived disease-free.

All people in Durham County, particularly those who are historically marginalized or at or below median income level, have equitable access to safe and accessible environments for physical activity

In Durham County, all people, particularly those who are historically marginalized or at or below median income level, have equitable access to affordable, healthy, and culturally appropriate food, and safe and accessible environments for physical activity

All people in Guilford County have equitable and adaptive access to physical activity opportunities across the lifespan and equitable access to affordable, nutritious, culturally appropriate foods.

Swain County Residents are Vibrant, Active, and Living Their Healthiest Lives

Result Statement 1

Access to Exercise Opportunities: Percent of People in North Carolina (Total) with Access to Exercise Opportunities

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

Access to exercise in the state of North Carolina has remained in the mid-seventy percentiles for the past seven years, with the exception of a significant drop to 68% in 2021 (recorded in 2022 data). This post pandemic dip may reflect the closure of many public structures (along with decreased social interactions) arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Indicator Notes

Percentage of population with adequate access to locations for physical activity.

The Percent of People with Access to Exercise Opportunities indicator is aligned with HNC 2030

Why is this Important?

Increased physical activity is associated with lower risks of type 2 diabetes, cancer, stroke, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and premature mortality, independent of obesity. Individuals who live closer to sidewalks, parks, and gyms are more likely to exercise. []

Additional Information:

Source of data: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps (CCR&R)*

*Should not compare ranked data from year to year 

Additional Links and References:

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps (CCR&R) - Business Analyst, Delorme map data, ESRI, & US Census Tiger line Files



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