Percentage of DPH staff who complete the optional health equity training with a score of 80% or above.
Current Value
Measure Definition
This measure is intended to monitor proficiency and measures the percent of people who score 80% or above on the health equity training.
Numerator is the number of people who scored 80% or above on the DPH health equity training.
Denominator is the number of people who took the DPH health equity training.
Story Behind the Curve
The DHHS Division of Population Health wants to make sure every Utahn has the same opportunity to live a safe and healthy life. Data consistently shows gaps across a number of health outcomes and disproportionate disease risk among various populations. A lot of these outcomes are caused by limited access to opportunities, safe housing, education, and income. It’s important to deal with these issues to make progress toward everyone in Utah having the same access to their highest level of health. Staff are from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences and while some of these discussions may be uncomfortable, we all need to be open to learning about experiences that are different from our own. This work is necessary. This optional training is the just the first step to make sure staff are prepared to understand health equity as it relates to public health.
All offices and programs within the Division of Population Health including the OHPP Health Equity Council. The Office of Health Equity is a supporting partner.
What Works
Action Plan
Continue to offer the training at a regular cadence to new staff. Identify additional trainings for staff.