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Administrative Services, Operations and Organizational Change Management Unit

% of employees completing the employee engagement survey

Current Value




Line Bar

Notes on Methodology

The solid trend line shows the % of DVHA employees completing the employee engagement survey.

The dotted trend line shows the % of all State employees completing the employee engagement survey.

Story Behind the Curve

In 2013, the Department of Human Resources (DHR) implemented the first statewide survey assessing employee engagement to address the goal of developing workforce excellence using meaningful performance targets and measures. The State of Vermont Employee Engagement Survey has been conducted annually since and provides important information for DHR and DVHA to stay current on the status of employee engagement in Vermont State Government.

This survey process allows us to measure how employees feel about their daily work and about the State of Vermont as an employer. In addition, results can be compared to prior years to examine trends and establish goals for improved engagement.

The trendline for this measure shows us how the percentage of employees completing the survey continues to grow year over year. We are missing data from 2018 and 2020 from DHR. The trendline demonstrates that DVHA consistently has a higher percentage of participation as compared to State employees overall. 

Narrative last updated:  04/28/23



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