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Workforce Modernization Efforts

# of job positions with education and experience requirements updated and submitted to Office of State Human Resources

Current Value


SFY4 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

Through updating education and experience requirements for positions to OSHR, DPH can bolster its other efforts to recruit and retain staff with necessary skills to excel in their roles.

The Division has maintained its increase for a third quarter in a row from 1 to 2 number of job positions with updated education and experience requirements to OSHR while still being short of the target value of 3 per quarter. 

The following are the E&E updates submitted to date:

2023 - (New) Autopsy Tech I & II

2023- (Update) Med Lab Tech I E&E Update 

2024 - (New) Forensic Toxicologist / NC21

2024 - (New) Deputy Chief Toxicologist / NC23



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