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Local Health Department (LHD) Partnership

% of NCALHD workgroups with DPH representation quarterly

Current Value


Q3 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

Average over the 3 months in the quarter.

NCALHD changed their meeting structure from committees to workgroups a few years ago. In that change, NCALHD went from DPH centric committees to foundational capability-like workgroups focused on NCALHD priorities. In that change, DPH representation was not as consistent. Over the last year, DPH has worked to identify DPH representation to consistently attend workgroup meetings. Having DPH representation at workgroups provides SME, technical assistance, collaboration opportunities, and bidirectional communication. With DPH turnover, we are currently identifying DPH representation for Data/Performance and Workforce workgroup.


NCALHD Executive Director and Workgroup Chairs

NC DPH LCS Section

NC DPH subject matter experts

What Works

Provides space for NC DPH to better understand needs of NCALHD.

Provides NC DPH an opportunity to share state perspective, challenges and/or opportunities. 


Next Steps

Currently, we are failing to meet the goal due to NC DPH turnover. Once Data Officer is hired and/or other staff associated with the Data Officer and DMI are hire, a representative from the DMI initiative will be invited to attend the NCALHD Performance Measures and Data Workgroup. 


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