All children will be served in their homes or family-based settings whenever possible
DCFS Proportion of days of service provided in family-based care, for custody youth served
Current Value
Measure Definition
This measure represents the percentage of days of children and youth are served in family based settings with consistent substitute caregivers who provide primary care for children and youth who are placed there. |
FY18-FY22 Baseline |
89.9% |
Two-Year Goal (15%) |
91.4% |
Five-Year Goal (25%) |
92.4% |
Data is reported six weeks after the end of each quarter to allow time for data entry by direct service and support staff.
Story Behind the Curve
DCFS strives to serve children in their home or with kin whenever safely possible. If a child cannot be placed with kin, the next best option is generally in a family-based setting such as foster or proctor care. Non-family based care settings that have a rotating staff are meant to provide short-term stabilization, but do not provide long term permanency. The goal is to reduce the number of days children and youth in care spend in non-family based settings with rotating staff.
Despite recruitment efforts, there has been a steady decline in availability of foster and proctor homes who are able and willing to receive placements for teenagers, medically fragile children and youth, and those who may struggle with aggressive or problematic sexual behaviors. This has resulted in an downward trend for number of days spent in family based settings for these clients DCFS continues to engage with the Youth Provider Association and Utah Foster Care to address recruitment, reassess contracts, and increase provider rates to address this deficit of homes. DCFS's FY2025's RBA has tactics that include developing and implementing a communication mechanism for contracted foster care training/recruitment/retention provider to notify potential placements as needs arise. In addition, DCFS is working with Utah Foster Care through monthly meetings throughout the FY at the state and region levels and reviewing reports to develop steps to improve identification, recruitment, and support to meet the individual and/or unique needs of children.