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Local Health Department (LHD) Partnership

Number of existing Agreement Addenda reviewed by the AA QI workgroup

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve


The goal of the LHD QI workgroup is to establish more consistency and regular communications between LHDs and DPH regarding creation, revision, and other changes that may occur in AAs that are distributed to LHDs. Over time, and especially regarding legacy AAs, some of the history as to the funding formula, requirements, etc have not been documented or lost. The workgroup has identified 3 AAs for “deep dive” to better understand the purpose, deliverables, monitoring requirements and funding formula.


NC DPH AA program managers

NC DPH contracts/AA staff

NC DPH LCS Section

NC LHD representative (Health Directors, Finance Directors, Program Supervisors, etc). 

What Works

Regular meetings that share information about the AA process, deep dives that foster exploration of the intent, funding, and monitoring of the AA, and space to challenge current AA processes at the local and state level. 

Dedicated coordinator for the initiative.

Committed LHD and DPH champions of quality improvement. 

Next Steps

Create an AA process flowchart that encouraged and emphasizes LHD engagement when and where possible. Once drafted, look for DPH adoptions through DMT. 

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