Syphilis (all types/stages) - TOTAL
Current Value
Why Is This Important?
Despite the stigma regarding Syphilis, and other sexually transmitted diseases, it is important to talk to your provider if you have concerns about the disease. In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported an 80% increase in Syphilis cases. This number will continue to rise without proper testing and treatment. Syphilis can only be spread through direct contact with a Syphilis sore during sex or in pregnancy. You can prevent transmitting Syphilis by using abstinence, condoms, and long-term monogamous relationship with a partner that has tested negative and does not have Syphilis. Syphilis can present itself through sores around genitals, rashes on hands/feet, fever, or fatigue. With the right antibiotics, your healthcare provider can cure Syphilis. It is important to get treatment for Syphilis as soon as possible as long-term effects can occur, such as damage to the heart and blood vessels or Neurosyphilis (severe headaches and changes to mental state).
Story Behind the Curve
Cases of reportable disease in the state of Ohio are reported by providers and laboratories to local health departments using a system called Ohio Disease Report System (ODRS). This allows for local health departments (LHDs) to accurately monitor and investigate any case of disease requiring follow-up, isolation/exclusion, or guidance to prevent further transmission. This also allows LHDs to collect accurate data on how many cases of certain disease they have in their county to create graphs like the one you see! Using data from previous years, public health professionals can create threshold data to get a detailed prediction of what is “normal” for their county during a specific period.
What We Do
Cases of Syphilis are managed by Ohio Disease Intervention Specialists (DISs). Reports received by LCHD are sent to DISs covering Licking County for case management. They ensure cases are aware of their results, coordinate additional testing, and work with patients to start effective treatment.
Licking County Health Department (LCHD) engages with providers and laboratories to ensure they are reporting to the right entity and connect cases with appropriate resources. Any Syphilis case or individual concerned about having Syphilis can find more information through Columbus Public Health: Columbus Public Health - Sexual Health.