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Naloxone Distribution and Overdose Prevention

Knowledge of Naloxone Administration

Current Value


FY 2024


Programs distributing naloxone also provide training on signs of an overdose and how to administer naloxone.  To ensure understanding, they ask participants to repeat back signs of an overdose and how to administer naloxone.

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Story Behind the Curve

Naloxone distribution & training on administration is vital to reducing overdose deaths.  Family and friends are most likely to be nearby during an overdose.  By providing access to naloxone and training on signs of an overdose and how to administer, capacity to reverse an overdose is increased.  


Behavioral health providers, community based organizations, faith-based organizations, human service providers

What Works

Minimizing barriers to naloxone, training on signs of an overdose and how to administer naloxone, and building trusting relationships with community members increases the ability to reverse an overdose.  

Action Plan

There is no data to be collected at this time. As part of action plans, community partners intend to report this data for FY2023-24.

Goal 1: Increase knowledge and confidence of naloxone administration among individuals who request a kit for overdose prevention

  1. Train staff/volunteers on naloxone administration training
  2. Add naloxone administration instructions to naloxone kits 
  3. Evaluate understanding of individuals receiving naloxone kits by asking them to "teach back" the steps

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