Firearm-Related Homicide Rate
Current Value
This measure shows the firearm-related homicide mortality rate among Marylanders. The rate is calculated as the number of deaths per 100,000 population.
Story Behind the Curve
Data Definition and Methodology: This measure shows the firearm-related homicide mortality rate among Marylanders. The rate is calculated as the number of deaths per 100,000 population.
Data for this measure was obtained from CDC's Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS). Rates are age-adjusted.
Public Health Significance: More than half of all firearm-related deaths in Maryland are homicides, and more than 80% of all homicides in Maryland are committed with a firearm. There are large disparities in firearm-related homicides by age, race, and sex. 90% of firearm-related homicide decedents in Maryland are male and nearly 90% are Black.
Prevention of firearm-related homicides requires interventions conducted across government and within communities. In 2024, the Maryland legislature mandated the establishment of a statewide office focused on the prevention of gun violence in the state.
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