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All children in North Carolina discover the joy of reading at an early age and are supported in the home, school, and community to be lifelong readers.


Third Grade Reading Proficiency: Percent of children in NC (Race/Ethnicity) who are proficient in reading at end of Third Grade

Current Value





Story Behind the Curve

The Third Grade Reading Proficiency graph represents the percentage of children in North Carolina (Disaggregated) who were found to be proficient in reading at end of third grade.

* Note that no data are available for academic year 2019-2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Indicator Notes


North Carolina General Statutes define "reading proficiency" as "reading at or above the third grade level by the end of a student's third grade year, demonstrated by the results of the State-approved standardized test of reading comprehension administered to third grade students." [§ 115C-83.3.  Definitions]

Why is this Important?

The stated goal and purpose of North Carolina's Read to Achieve Program are to:

  • ensure that every student is reading at or above grade level by the end of third grade and that their reading proficiency continues to progress "so that he or she can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success," 
  • identify reading developmental difficulties "early as possible,"
  • ensure that students receive appropriate "instructional and support services"  and "literary interventions" to address difficulty with reading development and to remediate reading deficiencies," 
  • ensure that each student and their parent or guardian are "continuously informed of the student's academic needs and progress, and to 
  • "determine that progression from one grade to another be based, in part, upon proficiency in reading"   

[§ 115C-83.1 & 115C-83.2]

Additional Information:

The Percent of Children Who are Proficient in Reading at End of Third Grade indicator is aligned with HNC 2030.  

End of Grade tests are administered the last 10 days of the school year.

Link to References and Reports:


State Testing Results (Green Book) | NC DPI

Chapter 115C - Article 8  (NC General Statutes)


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