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TTUSD Kinder Camp and 1 more... less...

Kinder Camp

# of children served in Kinder Camp

Current Value


SY 2019


Line Bar Comparison

Story Behind the Curve

About 35% of entering Kindergarteners are participating in K- Camp, and of those, only approx. 35% are SED.

Currently, K-Camp for outreach takes place during Kinder previews in Spring, and Kindergatern enrollment support again in August, but kcamp already done.

In KB, T-K and Kinder teachers call families to encourage K-Camp enrollment

Ideas to increase outreach:

Posters at FRC's, other agencies, parent nights.

Target specific neighborhoods 

TTUSD already makes phone calls to families in June to encourage them to enroll. 

Currently, TTUSD can access info through State Preschool, but if has contact info for other preschool 

In Grass Valley- laundromats, WIC, speaks at kinder parent preview night, lots through facebook pay $ to boosts, 

What Works


TTUSD, FRC's, WIC, other community partners. 

Action Plan

Increase community outreach. Sign up by May 31st-  July 8th through August 2nd.

Val will work with John to make posters at FRC, Project MANA through Tara

Cindy to follow up with enrollment person at Headstart 

Tara to attend articulation meeting 

Tara to get Anibal and Teresa info to give to advocates about enrollment and run in bulletin

Val will reach out to Kelly to blast it through TTUSD



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