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Boys and Girls Club of the Sandhills Summer Youth Development Program

% of targeted children K-2 who attended summer reading groups and maintained or increased reading level

Current Value




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Story Behind the Curve


Small sample sizes in 2013 and 2014, along with differences in assessment measures at the primary and elementary schools, makes it difficult to interpret the statistical significance of demonstrated changes.


The number of children who attended the programs and increased their reading level was higher for both the Primary and Elementary Schools. For the Primary School, 9 students increased in 2015, as compared to 4 in 2014. At the Elementary School, 7 students increased in 2015, as compared to 5 in 2014.

In 2015, more students from the target group actually attended the program. In 2014, 6 students never attended the program, while all of the students from 2015 attended at least two times in year round, and at least four times for traditional students.


The data shows 64% (14) of the children gained reading proficiency over the summer, 23% (5) maintained their reading skills, and only 13% (3) decreased reading proficiency during the summer. 22 of the 27 children in the starting group were retested, as some children moved out of Moore County.

Attendance in 2016 improved over the previous year, with 70% of the children attending more than half of the sessions (cf 61% in 2015)


In 2017, the program was expanded to include students at both Southern Pines Primary and Aberdeen Primary schools in the previous year who were registered at the Boys & Girls Club for the summer, and were evaluated as being proficient or below in their reading levels.

·         28 children were eligible for the program from Southern Pines. 24 attended at least one time.

·         32 children were eligible for the program from Aberdeen. 25 attended at least one time.

Over all, attendance declined this year. Of the 49 students enrolled, 47% attended at least half of the sessions.The data showed that 74% of the children maintained (315) or improved (42%) their reading levels. A break down of scores by attendance and/or school location was not available.


Southern Pines: 26 children attended at least one session and 16 received both pre- and post-assessments.  14 students (87.5%) maintained or improved reading skills.

Aberdeen: 31 children attended at least one session and 21 received both pre- and post-assessments.  16 students (76%) maintained or improved reading skills.


Southern Pines: 25 children attended, with 65% attended more than half of the sessions. 17 received pre and post assessments for word reading fluency.  Of those 17, 16 (94%) showed improvement or maintence of their skills.

Aberdeen: 19 children attended, but only 42% attended more than half of the sessions.  13 received pre and post assessments for word reading fluency.  Of those 13, 8 (62% showed improvement or maintenance of their skillls.

Overall Results: 80% of the students gained or mainteained proficiency of reading skills over the summer.


Southern Pines Primary School

Southern Pines Elementary School

The Boys & Girls Club of the Sandhills

Southern Pines Public Library

Rotary Club of the Sandhills funding

Friends of Southern Pines Public Library funding

What Works

The following worked well:

  • prizes at the end of each reading session
  • certified teachers and staff leading small groups
  • having reading levels at the beginning of the program to sort students
  • topical book clubs
  • quiet environement
  • leveled readers provided by the school

2019  In addition, the following worked well

  • Gift cards to reward attendance and weekly parent communication
  • letting the children pick their own library books to read part of the time
  • end of summer party for the attending children

Action Plan

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