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Out-of-School Time (OST) Initiative (Wicomico County FY17-FY20) Annual


How well: # of participants who increase/maintain school attendance - (Annual)

Current Value


FY 2020


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

Absenteeism and truancy contribute to lost learning opportunities and have negative long-term consequences for students and communities. High levels of school absence are associated with a higher risk of school failure, high school dropout, delinquent behavior, substance abuse, and other high-risk behaviors.

The current data reporting system is structured to collect statistics for absences of more than 20 days, although it is important to note that these data do not differentiate between students with “excused” versus “unexcused” absences. Additionally, this measure does not include students enrolled for fewer than 91 days during the school year.

There was also a decrease in total number of youth served due to having only one contracted vendor in FY18.


  1. Board of Education

2.  ShoreCorps PALS

3. Maryland Food Bank

4. PAC 14

5. Art Institute and Gallery

6. Boys and Girls Scouts of America

7. Big Brothers Big Sisters

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