EPM 1.2a: % of children who maintain or improve proficiency in literacy or developmental skills from fall to spring
E-PM 1.2a: % of children ages 0-5 who maintained or improved proficiency in literacy skills from pre- to post-assessment
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
In FY19-20, several programs were not able to conduct their post-literacy assessment due to covid-19 related school and program closures. Because they DID conduct the pre-assessment, the denominator (the number assessed total) stayed high while the numerator (the number given the post-test who maintained or improved) dropped. This resulted in an apparent dramatic drop in literacy skills (from 97.3% to 75.8%) from FY18-19 to FY19-20. If this data point is calculated just for those agencies that were able to do both a pre- and post-assessment, the corrected percentage for FY19-20 stands at 90.3% (282 who maintained or improved literacy skills from pre to post-assessment / 312 total who were assessed).
The following programs report data that is aggregated here:
- ACPC: Child Care-Infants & Children
- ChildServe: Child Care-Infants & Children
- Lutheran Services in Iowa: Parents as Teachers
- Raising Readers: Thrive by Five's "StoryPals"
- UCC: Child Care-Children & Preschool