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Strategy 3.3: Decrease barriers to participation and success and 1 more... less...

EPM 3.3a: % of retained participants

E-PM 3.3a: % of retained participants

Current Value


FY 2024


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

The intention of this performance measure is to calculate the extent to which barriers to participation have been removed. Historically, there has been a breadth of programs reporting and varying interpretations of this measure. Given the 2020 revision of the UWSC Strategy Map, the focus is now specifically on educational programs and participant retention.  - AM

August 2021: NAMI has indicated that their FY19-20 data may have been entered in error, using a duplicated participant number rather than an unduplicated participant number. As such, the FY19-20 data likely is inaccurate. - AM


The funded programs whose data is reported and aggregated here include:

  • NAMI:  Family & Peer Support (return participants from previous fiscal year)
  • The Arc: Advocacy (return participants from previous fiscal year)

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