P003: Number of community members trained in evidence-based suicide prevention practices
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
- Suicide is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive prevention approach.
- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a technical package of policy, programs and practices for preventing suicide in 2017 based on the “best available evidence,” which support the goals and objectives of the 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (see “What Works”).
- New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) staff have participated in evidence-based prevention programs, including gatekeeper trainings, as well as free train-the-trainer events, to provide such programs to adult populations in New Mexico.
NM Suicide Prevention Workgroup- Straight Scoop for Veterans
- Indian Health Service
- Navajo Nation
- University of NM LGBTQ Resource Center
- Santa Fe Mountain Center
- NM Crisis and Access Line
- SKY Center
- NM Human Services Department (HSD) Behavioral Health Services Division (BHSD) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Grant Team
What Works
- Community Interventions
- Increasing opportunity to provide training and incorporate a train-the-trainer model.
- Reducing access to lethal means among persons at risk of suicide
- Parenting skill and family relationship programs
- Community engagement activities
- Postvention
- Safe reporting/messaging about suicide
- Crisis Intervention
- Gatekeeper Training
- Clinical Interventions
- Treatment to prevent re-attempts
- Treatment for people at risk of suicide
- School-based Interventions
- Social-emotional learning programs
- Peer norm programs
- Organizational Interventions
- Organizational policies and culture
- Safer suicide care through systems change
- Policy Interventions
- Community-based policies to reduce excessive alcohol use
- Reducing provider shortages in underserved areas
- Coverage of mental health conditions in insurance policies
- Housing stabilization policies
- Strengthening household financial security
- Provide gatekeeper trainings to train community members interacting with at-risk individuals and groups to recognize the signs of suicide and provide life-saving help and support to those in crisis.
- Provide capacity-building trainings to communities who have experienced a suicide death to coordinate a comprehensive and safe response, promote the grief and healing process, learn and use best practices for safe messaging, and reduce suicide contagion and future suicide deaths.
- Promote connectedness and encourage community engagement activities through county-specific suicidal behaviors data presentations to county health councils.
Action Plan
NMDOH Epidemiology and Response Division Injury and Behavior Epidemiology Bureau (IBEB) will work to increase the number of community members trained in evidence-based suicide prevention programs as follows:
Q1: 5 community members will be trained in an evidence-based suicide prevention program. Complete: 40 community members trained.
Q2: 10 community members will be trained in an evidence-based suicide prevention program. Incomplete: 0 community members trained.
Q3: 17 community members will be trained in an evidence-based suicide prevention program. Incomplete: 12 community members trained.
Q4: 18 community members will be trained in an evidence-based suicide prevention program. Incomplete: 0 community members trained.
FY17 Annual Progress Summary
52 community members were trained in evidence-based suicide prevention programs during FY2017, exceeding the target of 50. Activities included both prevention (“gatekeeper”) and postvention trainings. One county-specific suicidal behaviors data presentation was given to a county health council as part of the new initiative to promote connectedness and encourage community engagement activities.