P008: Re-Abuse rate (within 12 months- same person) for Developmental Disability Waiver and Mi Via Waiver clients
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
- Nationally, individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) are a diverse group with different vulnerabilities. Neglect is the most common allegation. Lack of adequate supervision, failure to follow health care plans, and staff training are the most common findings under the category neglect.
- It is important to measure repeat abuse, neglect, and exploitation (ANE) because many individuals are unable to recognize danger, understand their rights, and protect themselves. Repeat ANE has a direct impact on their quality of life and possibly results in increased emergency room visits, additional medications, and related medical treatment.
- Re-abuse is counted as an individual with more than one substantiated case. In FY16-17, the re-abuse rate was 18.5%.
- Incidents are tracked through the Incident Management Bureau (IMB) data system. By tracking the re-abuse rate, which includes ANE, IMB can determine the effectiveness of Corrective and Preventive Action Plans and strategies intended to reduce the rate of abuse.
- To help reduce and prevent abuse, IMB implemented the new statewide ANE training, which focuses on recognizing and reporting ANE. This ANE training uses a competency-based train-the-trainer model that focuses on adult learning styles.
- New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD)
- NM Human Services Department (HSD)
- Community-based providers
- Community-based waiver provider professional organizations, such as, Association of Developmental Disabilities Community Providers (ADDCP)
- NMDOH learning Center
What Works
- Having clear, simple, and accessible processes for reporting suspected abuse.
- Updating NMDOH Division of Health Improvement (DHI) website to simplify reporting information and resources for the public.
- Monthly regional meetings with DDSD to analyze data and address concerns.
- New required ANE training using the ANE Train-the-Trainer project.
- Meeting with Community-based provider organizations to review trends, issues, and concerns.
- Meeting statutory 45-day ANE Investigation timelines.
- Rapid response to serious allegations of abuse (priority levels).
- Adequate immediate safety and action plans.
- Implementing the Recognizing and Reporting ANE Training for all community-based waiver providers.
- Providing resources on the IMB-ANE website on recognizing and reporting ANE.
- Partnering with community-based waiver provider organizations to share annual incident data trends, discuss issues and concerns, and identify strategies to reduce abuse in New Mexico.
Action Plan
- Q1:
- Ongoing implementation of FY16 action items to complete investigations within 45 days. Completed.
- Ongoing implementation of the new Recognizing and Reporting ANE for community-based providers training. Completed.
- Identify patterns, trends of abuse, and other areas of concern from IMB data and report issues to DDSD at regional monthly meetings. Completed.
- Q2:
- Partner with the NMDOH Learning Center to develop an online annual re-certification training on recognizing and reporting ANE. Phase 1 completed.
- Continue the development of an online annual re-certification training on recognizing and reporting ANE. Phase 2 completed, phase 3 in progress.
- Develop and implement a rotating web banner on reporting abuse for the NMDOH website homepage. Initiated: in development.
- Transfer the online annual re-certification training project to DDSD. Completed.
- Q3:
- Partner with DDSD on the development of online annual re-certification training on recognizing and reporting ANE. Phase 2 completed, phase 3 in progress.
- Q4
- Develop and implement a rotating web banner on reporting abuse for the NMDOH website homepage. Completed: Posted during April and May 2017.
- Implement phase 4 pilot of new online annual re-certification training on recognizing and reporting ANE. Delayed
FY17 Annual Progress Summary
- IMB continues to implement various strategies to reduce abuse and re-abuse in New Mexico.
- During the FY16-17 cycle, the new training on recognizing and reporting ANE was successfully completed by over 4,600 individuals, caregivers, case managers, guardians, NMDOH staff and others. A rotating headline banner was placed on the NMDOH website homepage during April and May 2017 to increase awareness on recognizing and reporting ANE. These efforts helped improve ANE reporting as shown by the increase of substantiated cases. The re-abuse rate for the FY16-17 reporting cycle increased to 18.47% (51 individuals out of 276 individuals with substantiated ANE).
- During the FY16-17 reporting cycle IMB made continuous improvements on the IMB data management system and the quality of the reporting data. A revised re-abuse report for the FY15-16 cycle was also completed and the re-abuse rate was 11.67% (21 individuals out of 180 with substantiated ANE).
- IMB analyzes the data and addresses any concerns by reporting them to the Developmental Disabilities Steering Committee on Quality Improvement (DDSQI) for remediation or other actions.