How Much: # of participants ages 5-11, that attend Life Skill or PATH lessons during Nurturing Parent Workshops (Annual)
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Trauma is addressed frequently in the workshops we provide, and one entire month is devoted to teaching families about the impacts of trauma on the developing brain. We have had special guests in the past come and share with families from the therapeutic side of trauma impacts, and it is an ongoing topic of conversation and learning as a natural part of this program.
MFM provides structured activities for the children, while educating the parents on healthy child rearing techniques. Many of those who attend our program are grandparents who are raising their grandchildren due to parental addiction and incarceration. We have made an effort to tailor some of our lessons to the specific issues faced in multi-generational families. (Ex. a grandparent in their 60's may need additional information on the dangers of social media and internet predators, something which was not an issue when they raised their own children.)
Cecil County Public Schools
Cecil County Dept. of Social Services
What Works
Transportation is available with 24 hrs notice. Families routinely call our office several days before an event and are added to the transportation schedule.
We added childcare for children under five this year at one location and that has gone well. In addition to our team members we have two paid CCPS employees and volunteers from a local church who have assisted with this portion of the program.
Action Plan
Data Discussion
The impact of this program in terms of persons served continues to grow. Data is collected from this program monthly. Where appropriate, measures are reported on each month, at the mid-year point or annually. Tools include surveys.