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Partners Afterschool @ Oakland (Garrett County FY17 and Beyond) - Annual


How Well: # of students attending 30+ days with at least one parent attending two or more PAS activities - Annual

Current Value


FY 2024



Story Behind the Curve

For FY23:  This measure has improved in FY23 (16) compared to FY22 (11) and FY21 (12).  The program struggles to meet the 30+ day threshold for students due to after-school activities and sports.  Transportation is also an ongoing issue for the program and a top concern for Local Management Board members.

For HFY1 23:  This measure is trending downward compared to data for all of the fiscal year 2022. 



What Works

Action Plan

In FY19, the plan for increasing parental attendance in FY20 include:

What are the top 3 root causes/contributing factors?

1. Lack of access to follow up with parents about events because of our location within the school for the first half of the year.

2. Parents who work during our program hours.

3. Parents sign up of for the events and "forget"

4. Lack of staff time to remind parents of the event.

List two key partners with a role to play in improving this that we have not included in the past:

1. Director of PAS Program, make the invites personal with face to face contact

2. Director of Health Education, speak at a parent meeting emphasizing the importance of family involvement, funding and the benefit of PAS.

What is currently working?

1. Completing evaluations and implementing feedback.

What else would work?

1. Personal invites with reminder; 1 month reminder- 1 week reminder-day before reminder.

2. Offer more activities so parents can attend at least 2 events 

3. Social media reminder and marketing.

What works: top two recommended strategies to improve this indicator:

1. Offer more events on different nights of the week.

2. Make invites personal and having incentives and door prizes at the events.


Data Discussion

For FY23:  This measure has improved in FY23 (16) compared to FY22 (11) and FY21 (12).  The program struggles to meet the 30+ day threshold for students due to after-school activities and sports.  Transportation is also an ongoing issue for the program and a top concern for Local Management Board members.

For HFY1 23:  This measure is trending downward compared to data for all of the fiscal year 2022. 


Measurement Tool Used

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy