Exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months among WIC participants
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
The Vermont WIC Program was impacted by a recall of infant formula beginning in late February 2022, which resulted in a supply chain issues that lasted the remainder of the calendar year and likely impacted breastfeeding rates for the last three quarters of 2022. It is also possible that the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic influenced infant feeding decisions. Exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months was at 39% in the quarter ending September 2022. The WIC program is involved in the Department of Health’s strategic planning process to improve statewide breastfeeding rates. Specific contributions of the WIC program include continued evidence-based professional development among local and state WIC staff, an emphasis on breastfeeding and breastfeeding supports in local clinics, providing breastfeeding peer counselors in all regions in the state, and promoting the Breastfeeding Friendly Employer Project.
Why Is This Important?
While there is well-documented evidence that shows the health benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, not all people experience these benefits in an equitable way. The WIC program has a special focus on serving families of lower income to provide supports needed for successful breastfeeding. By regularly looking the disparity present for participants in the WIC program, we are shining a light on the upstream contributors that exist to be able to achieve their breastfeeding goals.
- Obstetrical and Pediatric providers
- Hospital birthing centers / maternity staff
- La Leche League
- Private Practice Lactation Consultants
- Strong Families Vermont nurse visiting programs
- Vermont Lactation Consultant Association
What Works
Knowledge + Support + Confidence = Success
Local WIC staff follow the evidence-based Vermont WIC You Can Do It protocol to assess the strengths of pregnant individuals in the areas of knowledge, social support, and confidence and tailors a follow-up plan to address the areas where additional support is needed.
Community acceptance of breastfeeding as the norm promotes optimal health for families. Vermont law provides protection to breastfeed in public places, and the amended labor law supporting breastfeeding employees in the workplace provides additional support to working parents.
Action Plan
Fully participate in the statewide breastfeeding strategic planning process, implementing activities to support evidence-based strategies set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Fund breastfeeding peer counselors.
Provide training professional development among local WIC staff.