Maternal & Child Health - Nurse Family Partnership - Substance Abuse
Vermont Department of Health - Strong Families Vermont (Nurse Home Visiting)
% of Strong Families Vermont clients who screen positive for alcohol use who are referred to treatment/services
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
The Strong Families Vermont Nurse Home Visiting Program is an evidence based home visiting model. The data is based on Strong Families Vermont collection protocols which are collected at visits and entered in our Strong Families VT database. The Nurse Home Visiting model has undergone a lot of changes in the past few months and our database and data reporting is still being built and developed. Q4 of 2018 was our first quarter with this new system and this explains the drop seen in the data for the last quarter. It's also important to remember that Vermont has small numbers and it doesn't take much to severely increase or decrease percentages.
Vermont's Home Health Agencies are the host of the Strong Families Vermont Nurse Home Visiting Program. The Strong Families VT program is a service provided under the Children Integrated Services (CIS) umbrella. Community partners include: CIS teams members, CIS coordinators, Local Health District office staff, Community Advisory Board, Child Development Division (CDD), Primary care physicians, OB/GYN providers, School nurses, and Planned Parenthood.
What Works
Maternal and child health nurse home visitors are the backbone of the Strong Families Vermont Nurse Home Visiting Program. A nurse-led maternal health and home visitation program partners low-income mothers with maternal and child health nurses. The resulting trusted relationship gives the mothers the support they need to have a healthy pregnancy, improve their child's health and development, and become more economically self-sufficient.
Action Plan
MCH will continue to monitor Strong Families Vermont implementation via Vermont's home health agencies until it is determined that there is ongoing maintenance of a constant high level of woman who screen positive for alcohol use referred to treatment and services, as needed.