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Community Mobilisation Volunteers


% Community Mobilisation Volunteers reporting they have used the skills to promote hep C treatment and hep B testing and monitoring

Current Value


HY2 2017


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Story Behind the Curve

June - December 2016: No change this period as there was no training at which to asses skills usage

Jan - June 2016: Results from C me Advocacy training on 25 & 26 June 2016

  • 75% have very much applied skills and knowledge
  • 25% have applied skills and knowledge a little

July - December 2015: Results from C me Advocacy training on 18 &19 July 2015

  • 10% have applied skills and knowledge a little
  • 70% have very much applied skills and knowledge

(20% of Advocates had not attended previous training)

January - June 2015: Results reported at C me Advocacy training on 29 January 2015

  • 36 % have somewhat applied skills and knowledge
  • 27% have very much applied skills and knowledge
  • 9% have applied skills and knowledge a little

July - December 2014: Results reported at C me Advocacy training on 17 and 18 October 2014

  • 33% have somewhat applied skills and knowledge
  • 22% have very much applied skills and knowledge
  • 11% have applied skills and knowledge a little

(33% of Advocates had not attended previous training


Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for the delivery of advocacy skills training and media skills training

Other training partners include:

  • Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC)
  • Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP)
  • Toothless Parrot Communications

What Works

Data is only available for two reporting periods each year as training is held twice per year.

Opportunities for interactive learning are very important in training adult volunteers.

Opportunities for experienced advocates to mentor newcomers are important as the experience of the team grows.

Action Plan

Evaluation after every training session provides a measure of the extent to which skills from the previous training have been utilised.

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Scorecard Container Measure Action Actual Value Target Value Tag S A m/d/yy m/d/yyyy