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Community Mobilisation Volunteers


% of Community Mobilisation Volunteers reporting an increase in skills/knowledge on hepatitis campaigns and advocacy

Current Value


HY2 2017


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Story Behind the Curve

Jan- June 2017: Data from Community Mobilisation Training 17 & 18 May 2017

  • Understanding of Hepatitis NSW campaigns increased by 10% on average

July - December 2016: No change this period as there was no training at which to assess increase in skills

Jan - June 2016: Data from C me Advocate Training on 25 & 26 June 2016

  • Understanding of Hepatitis NSW campaigns increased by 23% on average
  • Skills in using social media for campaigning increased by 34% on average

July - December 2015: Data from C me Advocate Training on 18 &19 July 2015

  • Understanding of Hepatitis NSW campaigns increased by 10% on average
  • Skills dealing with the media increased by 6% on average

January - June 2015: Data from C me Advocate training held on 29 January 2015

  • Understanding of PBAC process and decision making increased by 32% on average
  • Skills in presenting and public speaking increased by 10% on average (from a high base)

July - December 2014: Data from C me Advocate training held on 17 & 18 October 2014

  • Knowledge of new hep C treatment increased by 19% on average
  • Skills in advocacy and campaigning increased by 14% on average


  • The Creative Collective
  • Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC)
  • Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP)
  • Toothless Parrot Communications
  • Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
  • Kirby Institute
  • NUAA
  • and staff of Hepatitis NSW

What Works

Practical, interactive sessions are of greatest value in enagaging trainees. Opportunities for more experienced C me Advocates to mentor new comers are important in retaining enthusiasm from those who have been to previous training weekends. In October 2014 Community Advocates participated in an particularly effective interactive role play around the introduction of needle exchange in prisons where they gained experience of participating in delegation and practiced negotiation skills.

Action Plan

A five point Likert scale was implemented for January 2015 training to ensure consistency across other Hepatitis NSW programs. This will be used measure changes in knowledge and skill for all future training sessions.

A 10 point rating scale was used to measure knowledge and skill before and after training October 2014 taining. This proved to be a useful tool in measuring the overall change in knowledge and skill.

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