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Story Behind the Curve

Q2 2021

Lockdowns (lock-ins) across NSW CCs impacked the low number of calls from prison to the Infoline 

Q4 2020

Infoline down first week of December for 5 days impacted and reduced number of calls for that month

Q3 2020

A total of 404 calls were responded to this quarter, demonstrating an increase in the number of calls to the Infoline. A continuing upward trend is noticeable from the number of callers from the general public enquiring around HCV testing, treatment access and HBV positive results and transmission information. 

Q2 2020

A total of 386 calls were received this quarter, a decrease in the number of calls to the Infoline. Public holidays in April shortened weeks and impacted on the reduction in numbers of calls received in the month of April. Numbers decreased from people in prison calling due to Covid-19 related lock downs across NSW prisons. A slight upward trend was noticeable from the number of callers from the general public enquiring about testing and treatment access during the pandemic lockdown. For the financial year 2019-20 a total of 1898 call enquiries were received through the Infoline from our stakeholders, people in prison and the general public. Out of the 1898 calls 1607 of these originated from people in prison. In addition, a total number 297 online enquirie were responded to. Out of these 181 email enquiries were responded to and 116 live chats engaged with.

Q1 2020

There were a total of 612 calls, online chats, or emails to the Infoline this quarter.  The number of online chats increased in March due to interest in receiving information about viral hepatitis and COVID-19.   There were also an increased number of calls from people in custody including requests to receive an Information Pack.  It is also considered that the Clearing the Path campaign activation in February would have stimulated the number of Infoline calls from community.  A number of people who rang the Infoline in February reported they were calling us in response to the Clearing the Path campaign.  

Q4 2019

There were a total of 433 calls, online chats or emails to the Infoline this quarter.  The number of calls from community have been decreasing overtime due to low side effect profile of DAAs and the high cure rate.  Community members who do require information and support may not be familiar with the Hepatitis Infoline number and how we may help.  As part of the new communication strategy and the preceding Clearing the Path campaign we expect to see an increase in call volume quarter 1, 2020.    

Q3 2019 

There were a total of 467 calls, online chats or emails to the Infoline this quarter.  The number of calls from community have been decreasing overtime due to the low side effect profile of DAAs and the large number of people that have now been cured.  Community members who do require information and support may not be familiar with the Hepatitis Infoline free number.  As part of the new communication strategy grassroots promotion we should see an increase in call volume.  

Q2 2019

There were a total of 508 calls to the Infoline this quarter.  This is slightly lower than the target of 525 calls.   Calls from community have reduced in number due to increased uptake of DAAs.  Call from people in custody remain high and account for over 80% of calls.  

Q1 2019

There were a total of 434 calls to the Infoline this quarter.  Although appreciably a lower number of calls compared to the same period in 2018, the calls for each month are steady, with small gains each month - 135 calls in January and 158 calls in March.  The number of calls from the community have decreased.  It is hypothesised that this is due to the changing profile of people that still require testing and cure.  The more easy to reach people and those familiar with Hepatitis NSW were actively engaged when DAAs first became available, however most of this group have now been cured.  The key is therefore to ensure that people that are harder to reach know the Infoline number and how they can access support.  Through FitPack stickers, peer distribution of the new communication strategy collaterals, prison exit packs and further development of innovative ways to reach this important group of people. 

Q4 2018

There were a total of 409 calls to the Infoline this quarter.  This is significantly less than the same period in 2017.  One of the primary reasons for the decrease in calls stems from a change in telco service provider by Justice Corrective Services that resulted in a large number of incorrect calls and a decrease in overall call volume.  The difference in call volume compared to the previous period was most stark in November (52% reduction), with a 27% reduction in December compared to the 2017 period.  All incidents have been reported to Justice Corrective Services and their digital service department have worked hard to address any issues, which we understand have now been resolved.  Additionally, with increased HCV awareness in prison settings and further rollout of HiPE it is not expected that the number of calls to the Infoline will rise to the call volume when DAAs were first introduced.  Nonetheless, the Infoline remains an integral service for people in prison settings and in the community that are impacted by viral hepatitis. 

Q3 2018

There were a total of 646 calls to the Infoline between July to September, 2018.  This is 25% above the target of 525 calls.  This is a steady increase from April 2018 and is thought to be associated with health promotion activities associated with World Hepatitis Week and rollout of new communication strategy in August.  

Q2 2018

April to June 2018 saw a total 498 calls, which is on target for all months except April.  It is possible that Easter and ANZAC day may have caused of a slight call drop off in calls in April.  A total of 2,719 calls were received from July 2017 to June 2018 - overall 22.7% above our target of 2100 calls.  For the period of July to December 2017, 1,537 calls were received - 57.5%.  From January to June 2018 a total of 1,132 calls were received - 42.5%.  Although the number of calls from community (outside of correctional centres) has declined due to increased uptake of DAA treatments, the number of calls remain on target.  

Q1 2018

January to March 2018 saw 634 calls or chat line contacts, which was above the target, but significantly fewer than in than same period last year.

Q4 2017

We took 616 calls this quarter, and a total of 1,587 in the 6 months to date, which is exceeding our target. 62% of calls were about hep C, and 71% were about testing and treatment. Increasingly calls are about hep B, up to 11%. These changes are likely due to the communications strategy promoting the Hepatitis Infoline for information on hep B, combined with our hep B Chinese and Korean community education project activities. The 

Q3 2017

The demand for information about hep C treatments is still high. We took 971 calls this quarter, close to double the target number. 55% of calls were about hep C, and 48% were about testing and treatment. 

Q2 2017

There were a total of 3,162 calls in the year to June 2017. More people are calling (at similar levels to March 2016 when the new treatments came onto the PBA) as the DAAs are being promoted and prescribed more widely in NSW, with 45% of calls about treatment and 54% of callers being people living with hep C. 31% of calls originated in non-metropolitan Sydney, demonstrating statewide coverage.

Q1 2017

The number of calls to the Infoline sits at over 240 a month, as more people ask about hep C testing and the new treatments. Requests for information about accessing the new treatments comprised 34% of these calls

Q4 2016

By December 2016 the high call volume as a result of the availability of the new DAA treatments had steadied. In the quarter we provided information and support to 591 callers, which was over the quarterly total target of 525, even with the one week of holiday closure in December. The proportion of Aboriginal callers increased to comprise 40% of all callers.

Q1 2016:

In late December 2015 there was an announcement that the new direct acting antiviral treatment drugs will be listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) on 1st of March 2016. Since the announcement there has been a steady increase in the volume of calls about these new treatments and how to access treatment from the 1st of March 2016.

Our Hepatitis Infoline staff have provided information and support to almost 300 callers during January and February and closer to 350 callers during March. Hepatitis NSW staff have been busy developing new fact-sheets and resources to support and inform the community about accessing the new treatments.

Q4 2015:

We experienced a high volume of calls early in this quarter, with a number of people calling about the new treatments. We have not currently met our targets for the month of December however we are anticipating the number of calls to increase following the announcement about the approval of the new treatments on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme in March 2016.

Q3 2015:


Targets continue to be met in July and August and have been exceeded in September. We are receiving an increased number of calls regarding the new treatments and inquiries about access to treatment. We are keen to see the new treatments being approved and listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme soon. We plan to undertake promotional work for the Infoline in the coming months to increase our reach to affected communities.

Q1 2015:

Targets have been exceeded in Jan and just under in Feb and March. Infoline promotion is planned mid year to increase the number of calls. Three new members of staff are being trained to deliver Infoline services.

Q4 2014:

We have seen an increase in our numbers from 208 in September to 236 in October . In November there was another increase to 267 with a slight drop in December to 254. The reason fro the drop in number of calls in December is mainly due to the holiday break.December month for taking calls was only three weeks.

Q3 2014:

We had an increase of number of calls from 195 in July to 256 in August and a slight drop to 208 in September. Infoline calls are made by people who are seeking information on different issues about hep c. Decrease could be due to the announcement of new hep c interferon free treatments . Most people are now waiting for PBS approval.


General public,Justice Health-prisoners, Liver Clinics, homeless services, AOD Services, NSPs .

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