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Current Value


Sep 2024


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Story Behind the Curve

'Visits' count number of times people visit our website. We generally meet and exceed this target.

We spent much of 2023 to early 2024 re-designing and updating the content of We are very happy with the new interface and have been getting great feedback from our visitors. Our Google Analytics have been showing excellent numbers, much of which we can attribute to the new web design.

There is a natural trend towards more views and visits to our site around the time of campaigns and Hepatitis Awareness Week and World Hepatitis Day. These events meant an increase in stats for our website around that time, which then drops to regular, but healthy levels.

Our 'website' presence includes Google Analytics from our main website, our microsites ( + and ISSUU.

We continue working with REEF, a web marketing consultancy, to work further with our Google search scoring and the quality of our pages, so as to continually increase the number of visitors to our website.


  • is our key partner (Google Grant, SEO driving traffic to our site)
  • other partners include our web digital marketing consultants, REEF.
  • and our website design and hosting consultants, Fly Development.

What Works

Almost 80% of our site traffic comes to us via internet browser search engines. We need to ensure that when people search for "hepatitis" they find "hepatitis nsw". REEF have been working with us to optomise our pages for Google searches. As a result, we are beginning to appear in the 'featured snippets' of Google searches, which is an excellent result, leading to more exposure.

Our own hepatitis campaigns and day-to-day service delivery (eg. the Hepatitis Infoline) also play a big part in attracting visits.

Having attracted visitors to our website, we need to ensure that traffic stays on our site (low bounce rate) and finds what they're seeking. REEF has also been assisting in optimisiing our web content, making it easier for poeple to find what they need - so that  visitors are more likely to remain on the site.

We also want visitors who might visit our site only once, to become "return visitors" and visit our site multiple times.

Action Plan

Both our website marketing consultant (REEF), and hosting/development consultant (FLY Development), work alongside us on an ongoing basis. This helps to ensure our website is Google Search friendly, fast loading, easy to navigate, and gives visitors clear "call to actions" that direct them to our projects/services.

REEF and FLY also help to ensure our website gives a good User Experience (called UX). This is all about ease of navigation, having key messages immediately visible on all pages, forms that are intuitive and easy to use, etc. This is being facilitated by REEF, working with us to create mutliple content paths to channel people to the information they need.

We continue to maintain our HONcode (quality health website) certification, which we are currently in the process of re-applying for.

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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