Vermonters are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases.
Improve childhood immunization rates
Children are ready for school
Vermont's children are ready for school
Vermonters are healthy
AHS Strategic Plan - IZ
Act 186 - Infectious
All Vermont children have a healthy start to development and access to appropriate, high quality opportunities
Resilient Communities: Vermonters live in safe communities with the capacity to respond to disease, disability, and times of vulnerability
Vermonters are Healthy
% of children age 19-35 months receiving recommended vaccines (4:3:1:4:3:1:4)
Current Value
Story Behind the Curve
Last Updated: January 2015
Author: Immunization Program, Vermont Department of Health
The 4:3:1:3:3:1:4 series of vaccines means a child is fully immunized with 4 doses of DTaP, 3 doses IPV, 1 dose MMR, 3 doses Hib, 3 doses HepB, 1 dose Varicella, and 4 doses PCV; this is the official childhood vaccination series
Immunization rates for Vermont toddlers (19-35 months) are below state and national targets. Results from the 2013 National Immunization Survey (NIS) show that 67% of Vermont children ages 19-35 months received the full series of recommended vaccines. This represents a four percent increase from 2012. In 2013, the Vermont rate was lower than both the national rate (70%) and the rate for all New England states (77%).
Why Is This Important?
This indicator is part of Healthy Vermonters 2020 (the State Health Assessment) that documents the health status of Vermonters at the start of the decade and the population health indicators and goals that will guide the work of public health through 2020. Click here for more information.
This indicator is also part of the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP), a five-year plan that prioritizes broad Healthy Vermonters 2020 goals: reducing prevalence of chronic disease, reducing prevalence of substance abuse and mental illness, and improving childhood immunizations. The SHIP is a subset of HV2020 and details strategies and planned interventions. Click here for more information.
Act 186 was passed by the Vermont Legislature in 2014 to quantify how well State government is working to achieve the population-level outcomes the Legislature sets for Vermont’s quality of life. It will assist the Legislature in determining how best to invest taxpayer dollars. The Vermont Department of Health and the Agency of Human Services report this information annually. Click here for more information.
The Agency of Human Services (AHS) operates in support of the Governor’s overall agenda for the state and his seven statewide priorities. Additionally, AHS’ mission and the work of its six Departments are targeted to achieve results in four strategic areas: the reduction of the lasting impacts of poverty; promotion of the health, well being and safety of communities; enhancement of program effectiveness and accountability; reform of the health system. Click here for more information.
CDC, Primary care providers and their respective Vermont associations (American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians), Vermont Child Health Improvement Program, UVM College of Medicine, health insurers
What Works
Universal access to vaccines at no-cost to providers, collaboration with primary care practices, parental education, and recall-reminder systems
The Immunization Program has a number of initiatives to support childhood vaccination. In the past year, projects included:
Maintaining the “It’s OK to Ask” social media campaign, to provide a reliable information resource for parents of young children who have questions about immunizations.
Site visits to enrolled practices to ensure full compliance with CDC program requirements.
Mailing of recall-reminder letters to parents of children 8 and 20 months of age who aren’t up-to-date on immunizations to ensure timely vaccination
Notes on Methodology
Data is updated as it becomes available and timing may vary by data source. For more information about this indicator, click here.